Assignment #6

 I believe everyone should have a deep understanding. Whenever new things come online, they are not favored at the beginning, but these doubts will be dispelled as they develop. When the WeChat applet was first launched, no one was interested, but now it has 200 million users. In addition to vigorous operation and promotion, the applet itself is also very advantageous. So what are the strategies for small programs in order to achieve better development recently?

1. Help offline industries. WeChat realizes that it is not only technical barriers that hinder a large number of offline merchants from entering the mini program platform, but the dilemma of many offline industry practitioners is that they don't know how to make mini programs play their value. What they need is not only the lowering of the threshold for developers in the iteration and the technical assistance from third parties, but also the guiding ideas-how to make the mini program work for me and make the best use of it? After recognizing the needs in this regard, the WeChat team used the WeChat Open Class platform to conduct multiple open classes across the country.

2. Challenge search engine. Most of the functional iterations developed by WeChat Mini Programs will be announced by the official account "WeChat Public Platform". However, only the search function of the Mini Program has been in a state of "quietly upgraded" and was only announced on June 3, 2017 Added a keyword search function. From only accurate search when it was first released, to support for fuzzy search, to support for keyword search, and then to the beginning of advertisements in search results, this narrow search box has begun to grow. Now Tencent is trying to use WeChat, the mobile Internet. The super entrance is to cut a big piece from the search cake of Baidu, the search giant in the PC era-service search, to prove that the mobile Internet era also needs new search tools. The way to achieve this goal is the combination of "Sou Yisou + WeChat Mini Program" in our mobile phone.

3. Challenge e-commerce platforms and Alipay. JD’s e-commerce mini-programs were the first batch of mini-programs to settle in. Now, WeChat has begun to explore the mode of mini program e-commerce: On August 1, 2017, WeChat has sent out an invitation to some traffic owners for internal testing: the advertisement is directly embedded in the article, and the current optional advertisements are e-commerce single products Mainly. The user will jump to the landing page of the designated mini program by clicking the outer image or button to complete the purchase process. If this model is successful, WeChat and will be able to monopolize a large number of e-commerce transactions, and the payment methods for these transactions will also be monopolized by WeChat Pay. Play an increasingly important role in the program ecosystem.

What do we do first when we arrive in a new world? Nonsense, of course it's staking. Numbness and hesitation will miss the best time, and all changes have proved this truth. How do we race around in the mini program? The first is the name. The name of the applet is unique. The commercial name needs to be popular. The combination of "place name + industry" that we commonly use in Baidu search is the most ideal. Quickly seize this entrance. A good name represents a huge Traffic is like the traffic brought by a top-ranking keyword on Baidu.
