Assignment 3

From my research, the MRP is defined as According to the subordinate and quantity relationship of items at all levels of product structure, with each item as the planning object, with the completion period as the time benchmark reverse plan, according to the lead time to distinguish the order of each item release planning time, is an industrial manufacturing enterprise material planning management model. And many organizetions use it for determining the progress of the material processing and the order schedule.

In the business environment, MRP normally contains customer demand management, product production plans, raw material plans, and inventory records and previously are written on papers. For example, I asked the guests to go to the restaurant. I can call the hotel in advance and tell them what I want to order. So the waiter tells the chef what he needs to cook, and the cook knows what the ingredients are for the dish and publishes the material information he needs. So he would go to the warehouse and get some cooking ingredients. When he's ready, he'll start cooking.

With the use of information technology, MRP can be used created by using to calculate the gross requirement for the item. That is, according to the main production plan, bill of materials to get the first level of material purpose gross demand, and then through the first level of material items to calculate the next level of material purpose gross demand, and then continue to expand down the calculation, until the lowest level of raw material blanks or purchased parts. For network warehouse management, calculate again. There are roughly two ways to generate a material requirements plan again, the first of which recalculates the inventory information and overwrites the original calculated data, resulting in a new material requirements plan, and the second is to update the records of the relevant parts of the material requirements plan accordingly only when the conditions for developing and generating the material requirements plan change. Both generation methods have practical application cases, as to which to choose depends on the actual conditions and conditions of the enterprise.

Qiming Wu 6218523
